Betternet is a desktop application that allows you to connect to the Internet through the homonymous VPN (virtual private network) service. Probably the most remarkable feature of the tool is simplicity: a single click on the Connect button and you will be surfing the web anonymously. The program uses a random US-based server by default, but you can also pick other available locations. In addition, you do not need to set an account or provide any personal data, such as email or phone number.
It is a pity that there are some things you cannot do when you are using Betternet. The application does not allow setting a VPN protocol or a port. Likewise, you cannot switch IPs or change the DNS server. Neither does it allow configuring a proxy server.
Needless to say, a VPN client is as good as the service it connects through. Betternet has the advantage of offering a free service. However, although you can benefit from a decent transfer speed at no cost, you need to pay for an account if you want a faster connection. Besides, this payment lets you use other locations, not just the United States and the United Kingdom. As most other VPNs, the connection is encrypted, specifically using AES-245.
Unfortunately, there are lots of claims that Betternet is actually stealing information from its clients to sell it to third parties. According to Internet sources, the application contains malware and trackers. Finally, some benchmarking tests report it as significantly reducing data transfer speeds.
All in all, Betternet can be an option if you do not mind the possibility of being spied. For casual connections, it offers the benefits of having no cost and not needing to set an account. As most VPN services, it lets you bypass firewalls and have access to geo-blocked sites. Yet, again, the alleged privacy and security concerns are definitely something to consider.
Changes your real IP for an anonymous proxy in order to protect your privacy.